Wednesday, April 10, 2013

tama's term 1 goals reflection

1.  To use a wider range of vocabulary in my writing:

I used a thesaurus when editing my writing.
Use exciting words in my writing.
Replace boring words.
Change words that I have heaps of to different words.

2.  To learn the correct order of operations and apply it:

I have done nothing towards achieving this goal.

3.  Being responsible for my belongings especially clothing:

Remember where my clothes are.
Bring my clothing in after playtime.
Put my clothing inside my bag.
Hang up vest and hat.

I have achieved my first and last goal but I will still have to work on my second goal in term 2.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Mufti Poster

It was a nice sunny day while Jacob and I were finishing of our Mufti day poster. It was the last day to finish it so me and Jacob had to work fast.

We did most of it the day before so we didn't have to do much like colouring in and going around the letters with a black pen to make it bold. After we were finished we went and photocopied eight posters to stick on the classroom doors. We had an extra so we put it on the notice board.

In the end our poster looked great and we raised $240.80c.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Fundraising group

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