After 65 years it was time for the chimpanzee to return back to his home planet. He was awaiting his arrival. While he rested his ship was getting closer and closer back to his home.
As he breaks through the atmosphere and his ship's parachute flys out, he sees the devastating condition of what was once a city. He sees rubble of homes and office buildings from above. He sees vines taking over houses and trees growing through the cracks of roads. He sees decaying wooden homes. He notices some cars in the middle of the highway with their doors open, bushes over growing them. The earth was an unforgiving jungle of rubble.
The earth was a vast silent deserted jungle of concrete. It was silent other than the odd tumbling of pebbles. He could hear his own heart beating in time with his foot steps. He had the airy feeling of a pair if peeping eyes watching over him. He thought that he was the last one alive on this planet, he was right.
Sadness and loneliness filled his mind as he walked across the cracked, dusty ground.